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The cure for boring Shakespeare!

Mar 25, 2013

1 Henry IV 5.3 - 5.5 – The Battle of Shrewsbury begins! Before it all ends, we'll get more wisdom from Falstaff, and witness the inevitable confrontation of Harry vs. Harry.
Cheers to you, by the Dust Rhinos, courtesy of

Mar 9, 2013

1 Henry IV 4.4 - 5.2 – King Henry meets with Worcester to negotiate a peace, even as sinister forces foreshadow future events. Falstaff teaches us a thing or two about honor.
End of the world, by Great Big Sea, courtesy of

Feb 20, 2013

1 Henry IV 4.1 - 4.3 – Hotspur is beset with setbacks, Falstaff makes some coin, and Henry offers an olive branch.

Jan 30, 2013

1 Henry IV 3.3 – We make one last stop at the tavern, to enlist the mighty Falstaff, and then it's off to the wars!
Ragged Crow, by the Dust Rhinos, courtesy of

Jan 12, 2013

1 Henry IV 3.2 – At long last, Prince Hal comes face to face with his father. Busted!
A Dozen Bloody Roses, by Dust Rhinos, courtesy of